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Growing Forest at the Shed
posted on 24/10/2010 18:52:30 by Hemera

After several months of research we installed our interactive video this Friday as part of the Design Event and the Shed Open Studio, here some pics of the event 

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Growing Forest
posted on 20/09/2010 11:33:34 by Hemera

22-31 October - The Shed, 348-354 High Street, Gateshead;
Opening: 22 October, 6pm – 10pm

Aether & Hemera's projection visualizes and reflects the growing state of the social relations and conversations in the Shed space. Each conversation is represented by a shrub, growing in real-time while individuals chat with one another; these will change in a shape, size and hue depending on the duration and volume of the conversation as perceived by different sensors and microphone.

By the end of the exhibition the whole series of conversations will have generated an intricate and colourful forest still evolving as new spectators and guests interact in front of it. Not only will the Growing Forest be developed by dialogues, but by displaying a representation of conversations to the audience, will provide new items to discuss, resulting in a convoluted self-generating loop. The Growing Forest represents a narrative visualization of all discussions’ history.

The Late Show
posted on 17/05/2010 18:36:36 by Hemera

Claudio and I run a free workshop during The Late Show: the workshop was a successful introduction of Arduino foundation for kids and adults where participants have learnt to create their artworks with Arduino from scratch as well as having an excellent introduction to new media art.

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Audio Video Interaction
posted on 15/05/2010 19:47:36 by Hemera

The next step in our creative journey as lighting artists is the use of new technology to develop interactive digital artwork and last week we've begun a new exciting project involving the use of digital technologies in the production of a new artwork scheduled for this autumn, thanks to an Arts Council Grant for the Arts.


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